The Future of Educating the
African Diaspora - 2022-2032"
September 27 - October 6, 2024
In September of 2022, 300 educators from across the United States and on the continent of Africa gathered in Cape Coast, Ghana at the University of Cape Coast for the first All-African Diaspora Educators Summit (ADES).  This was an historic convening of educators who made the pilgrimage with the central aim of asserting that African-centered education is the mechanism needed to lead to the freedom, sovereignty, and liberation of African people. With the central question of how can we most effectively implement an educational structure that centers the history, traditions, rituals, philosophy, contributions and lived experiences of Black people as the focal point of their education in both the US and the African continent?  Building on the unprecedented success and momentum of the 2022 Summit, ADES 2024 which will be held on September 27 – October 4th, 2024, in Accra and Cape Coast, Ghana seeks to continue the work to advance the strategies and ideas that emerged at the first convening. Like the 2022 Summit 2024 convening we once again invite k-16 teachers/faculty, classified professionals, administrators, policymakers, and educational equity advocates who work on behalf of Black students. As the 2024 theme suggest the summit at its core reflects the key belief that in order for African people to be control their own resources and be in the position to reach our maximum potential that we must implement African Centered pedagogy. The critical question that embodies the 2024 Summit is: Who were we before they came?   Moreover, this conference being held on the ancestral homeland of African People provide an immersive professional development opportunity for African American employees that allows them to understand both the historic and current educational context that will create the space and freedom to reimagine how we teach and serve Black students. In addition, as we witnessed with the 2022 Summit this convening will heal, restore, and reinvigorate African American employees who have experienced the weight of working in spaces that have caused harm due to anti-blackness and racism.  Given the success of the 2022 historic summit, the 2024 convening will likely attract educational practitioners, preeminent scholars, and administrators from across the globe to discuss the power of African-centered education.  On the behalf of the ADES planning committee and A2mend, I express our excitement and anticipation to experience with you the collective power, energy, and wisdom that will be unlocked by your presence at the 2024 ADES in Ghana, Africa.       Forward Ever,  Edward C. Bush PhD

The ADES 2024 Summit will begin in Accra, Ghana on September 27, 2024. All delegates are asked to begin travel September 25 or 26, 2024 from the USA and arrive in Accra by September 27, 2024 for the opening reception at 6:00pm (DST). The summit will end with planned departures from Accra on October 6, 2024. Please click to review travel options
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